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Hair Growth Elixir Spray

Hair Growth Elixir Spray

Regular price $24.99 USD
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8 fluid ounces. 

Mist hair lightly 2 times daily for optimal results.

Ingredients: 100% aloe vera juice, Cloves, horsetail, moringa, chaparral, flax seeds, fenugreek seeds, burdock root, rosemary, spearmint, amla, hibiscus flowers, essential oil of rosemary, tea tree, and peppermint.

Introducing our revolutionary Herbal Hair Growth Spray, formulated with a powerful blend of natural ingredients to promote healthy and vibrant hair growth. With 100% pure aloe vera juice as its base, this spray is infused with a carefully selected combination of botanicals and essential oils that have been used for centuries to nourish and stimulate hair follicles.

Our unique blend includes cloves, horsetail, moringa, chaparral, flax seeds, fenugreek seeds and leaves, burdock root, rosemary, spearmint, amla, hibiscus flowers, rosemary essential oil, tea tree essential oil, lavender essential oil, peppermint essential oil, and neem oil. Each ingredient has been specifically chosen for its exceptional hair growth properties and ability to enhance overall hair health.

The aloe vera juice acts as a soothing and hydrating base, providing a healthy environment for hair follicles to flourish. Cloves and horsetail stimulate blood circulation to the scalp, promoting optimal nutrient delivery to hair roots. Moringa, chaparral, flax seeds, and fenugreek seeds and leaves are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that nourish and strengthen hair strands from the roots to the tips.

Burdock root and amla are known for their ability to reduce hair breakage and improve hair texture, while hibiscus flowers and rosemary essential oil help balance oil production, prevent dandruff, and add shine to your locks. The invigorating combination of spearmint, tea tree, lavender, and peppermint essential oils stimulates hair follicles, promoting healthy growth and a refreshed scalp.

To top it off, neem oil provides natural antimicrobial properties, helping to maintain a clean and healthy scalp environment. Our Herbal Hair Growth Spray is free from harmful chemicals and artificial additives, making it a safe and effective choice for all hair types.

Experience the transformative power of nature with our Herbal Hair Growth Spray. Say goodbye to thinning, lackluster hair and hello to a fuller, healthier, and more vibrant mane. Restore your confidence and unlock the potential of your hair with our carefully crafted formula. Try it today and embark on a journey towards luscious, head-turning locks!

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